Matt Brafman

Matt Brafman, Senior Account Manager at Curley Company, merges his robust background in political campaigns and government staffing with strategic communication acumen to advance the interests of clients across various sectors. His experience includes contributions to Congressional, State, Governor, and US Senate campaigns and impactful roles in federal and state offices. Additionally, Matt has over four years of combined experience at two Beltway public affairs firms.

At Curley, Matt excels in crafting and executing comprehensive communication strategies, ensuring clients’ messages resonate effectively with their target audiences, and leveraging his analytical skills and adeptness at cross-team collaboration to fuel the development of innovative multimedia content.

A graduate of Oakland University with a BS in Public Administration in Public Policy, Matt’s academic and professional journey reflects a deep commitment to public service and advancing the public good.

Matt is captivated by the lesser-known memorials in the nation’s capital, with a particular fondness for the James Buchanan Memorial, a testament to his appreciation for the city’s historical depth and quirkier aspects.