by Jessica Nguyen | July 28, 2022
Being a recent graduate in a post-pandemic job market can be daunting, but proactively gaining work experience through internships can help you ease into the working world one step at a time. I started my internship at Curley Company in February 2022, and I immediately started to develop skills in media research, social content development […]
by Joia La Roche | July 12, 2022
A brand identity is one of the most important parts of a company. It tells your clients and future employees exactly who you are as a company, can communicate your ideals and goals, and distinguishes you from your competitors. One could assume that a company’s brand identity only consists of their logo and a color […]
by Julian Huff | June 17, 2022
Juneteenth is a federal holiday in the United States that celebrates the emancipation of African Americans in the United States. Most people believe that the 13th amendment truly abolished slavery, but if you take a deep look into 13th, Ava Duvernay’s Oscar-Nominated documentary,this was not enforced on the entire United States. Currently I am the youngest employee […]
by Hannah Belt | May 6, 2022
Curley Company was created by and founded on strong women. On Mother’s Day, we recognize the strong women in our own lives. Without the lessons they taught and the values they instilled in us; the Curley team would not be what it is today. Check out how the women in our lives have inspired us […]
by Greg Wilson | April 13, 2022
What COVID-19 Has Taught Us About Crisis Communications Nearly a decade ago, I began writing about crisis communications—on topics ranging from questioning clients on “What’s Keeping YOU Up at Night?” to implementing a “No Surprises” approach to crisis communications. My insights are grounded in the 30+ years of experience in Washington, and beyond, providing issues […]