Juneteenth: Celebrating Freedom

Yolanda Malry by Yolanda Malry | June 18, 2024

I am grateful to work at a company that embraces Juneteenth. In 2022, Curley Company added Juneteenth to our holiday list, and we encourage team members of the African American community (and the entire team) to post about what this holiday means to them and how they will commemorate this important day in history.

The first Juneteenth was celebrated with food, singing, and reading of spirituals. Today, Juneteenth celebrations span the world and take shape in many ways, such as parades, picnics, and family gatherings.

Juneteenth represents freedom! It is a combination of June and the number nineteen, which marks the day in 1865 when a group of enslaved people learned that they were free in Galveston, Texas. However, this was almost two and half years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

The observance of Juneteenth is about the journey and achievement of African Americans. And I am personally proud to celebrate this special day.

In reflecting on Juneteenth and what it means to me and many others, I am posting this blog as a call for unity. As the world becomes more divided, I call for more unity, caring and love. Please join me in committing to accept and embrace all people. You can begin by talking with an African American colleague or friend about Juneteenth and how they celebrate to learn more about the holiday. And as a start, I appreciate you reading my post today!

Written by Yolanda Malry, Office & Experience Administrator for Curley Company